Tuesday, July 15, 2008

S'more, S'mores Please

If you know me very well, you know camping is one of my most favorite things to do! We had great weather at Wellesley this year and lots of camping friends! Swimming in the St. Lawrence River was pretty chilly as usual, but it really cooled ya off... I think refreshing is the word I'm looking for. No, no, no the word is FREEZING!

We played lots of games including, Swap, ten thousand, Spit, Racko, Ladder Golf, and Kan Jam. Kan Jam is a frisbee game, and it totally rocks. Matt and I took a ride with some of my Aunts and Uncles over the border to Cananda to the casino. We didn't win anything, but we had fun.

I'm sad our Wellesley Island camping trip is over, this year and can't wait till next.

Busy, Busy, Busy!

So busy, So busy!!!! It's been a busy couple of weeks here, starting off with my sister-in-law Lindsey coming to visit, then Dad's surgery (he's doing GREAT!), a wedding in Pittsburgh, and then camping at Wellesley Island. It was really nice having Lindsey here to stay with us. She's 14 now, and surprisingly still doesn't mind hanging out with us fuddyduds... All three of us traveled to Pittsburgh to stay with Matt's Aunt Sue and Uncle Fred. Matt's mom flew in to Pittsburgh to meet us there too. I finally got to meet Matt's cousin Mark and his wife tarrah, and three kids, Meggin, Lauren, and Harrison. Pittsburgh is a great city and it is always so fun visiting with Aunt Sue and Uncle Fred.